Life on WINGS

In everyone's life, there comes a time of ultimate challenge.
- a time when all our resources are tested
-a time when life seems so unfair
- a time when our faith, our values, our patience, our compassion, our ability to persist are pushed to the limit and beyond...but @ the same time gives you the wings to explore the WORLD of yours....

Spread your wings and fly away far away

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The ever changing cycles of life

In recent times I have come across a topic about women of vision, some random mail!

Vision is defined as; an idea, state of being or concept that one has regarding what she “wants” to do with her life or what she wants her life to be. This same phenomenon has been referred to by others as life goals, dreams, callings or aspirations, to name a few. Your Vision for your life encompasses your mission, purpose, values and your goals.

But being visualized me to be something; I had promised myself and today struggling to keep my dialogue alive even in high stake situations! I am quite confused am I facing silence or violence situations? But the ego loves that equation yet something that saps the positivity in me.

My vision has just sacked all areas of life, and not just one part of life – that lead to imbalance, and creates pressure in every corner of life.

I found myself amidst of nowhere, wandering the clouds for a silver lining, looking for everything which sustains life. I wonder is there anything that’s taking up too much space in my life, how far will I go? Am I stuck in a rut, trapped in the middle of crossfire with no way to win in sight? Am I hurting myself...traveling back in time? Is it a sheer waste of time? I would not say deliberately, but certainly seemed that way ! But I am wondering if enlightenment relies on the honesty formula, Hope can work miracles, assuming always, of-course anything to escape from the world of injustice and long, dreary, repetitive days and as real as it got in my mind I swayed my heart that my pain is affordable. Whatever! I always have embraced my life, yesterday, today, and will do in future un-sugarcoated hard cold realities which are simply facts of life!

Here is an inspirational article “The ever changing cycles of life”

“Within every 24 hours we have bright daylight and dark nights. Dark nights are automatically followed by sun-drenched days and vice versa. We have gotten used to the cycle and never doubt that one will follow the other.

Similarly our life cycle is about phases of success and failure, happiness and sorrow and so on. But the only difference is that we do not know the time frame for our personal cycles; it is not fixed like the 24 hour day and night rotation so we all tend to get dejected during our down cycles. However we must remember that although we may not know exactly when one cycle will end and the next cycle of our lives will begin….we do know it will happen….It is a fixed law of the universe and in this fact we must find solace and wait patiently for the season to change”

By Padmaja Prasad

Thanks to you Padmaja for the title coz I was clue-less whether vision for women and its consequences are name-less yet they are not emotion-less.

And I am blessed to have a handful of people who touched upon my life yesterday, today, everyday, and possibly even in this very minute who helped me to visualize as dreams do come true.

Honest thanks to all sorts of people whom I had befriended along the way coz every single one of you are significant to me as I had always found a heart that has sown hope-seed in me when I was terribly lost Near the Finish Line of the Race of-course its Race for my life.

“Reach the unreachable… where the need for it would be inconceivable” Huff! My sentiments exactly ;)


new life and hope said...

hi dear, seeing u after a long time, r u there in orkut....

Vidya said...


Not really...! Yeah!
U can always reach me at