Life on WINGS

In everyone's life, there comes a time of ultimate challenge.
- a time when all our resources are tested
-a time when life seems so unfair
- a time when our faith, our values, our patience, our compassion, our ability to persist are pushed to the limit and beyond...but @ the same time gives you the wings to explore the WORLD of yours....

Spread your wings and fly away far away

Monday, April 30, 2012

Road to nowhere...!

For a moment I am in the midst of unmanageable chaos and very next I am traveling back in uncertain time frame, the phase of my life when I was left alone by someone/anyone perhaps everyone. I know firsthand that I too must have had good times, but why is that I cling on ONLY to gloomy ones, is that a human tendency - will brain cells be more responsive to tragedies? I fail every now and then, when I try to give a new dimension to my life, I end up finding myself amidst of "Nowhere, to be more precise - an undefinable state of mind" and the craziest of all is I pledge to myself to be the best, best in everything & anything I do & outshine the rest, however I only can see myself at the crossroad, politically right word would be "Nowhere junction", "Back to square one" otherwise :)

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