Trust me kids are exceptionally brilliant in knowing Whys? Where? When? What?

Then my next target was Dad, he was quite busy with his farm work he did not have time for me. Uncles- Aunts, Grandpa-Granny no one had time.
Then my last hope was my sister, brother and cousins, though I was sure they may not clear my doubt. They too ignored me saying it’s beyond your understandings. Then I confirmed that day that they don’t have brains at all coz they never answered my questions earlier too.
I began exploring a theoretical fantasy world of my own. May be coz I had such an affinity for the imaginary just because I was so single-mindedly devoted in finding the truth. Where the wild things started cooking up in my petite brain…. :)
Children learn, more or less, by creating theories and then testing them out in the real world but as we grow older, our fantasizing becomes constrained by the practical demands of ordinary life :). It’s certainly an interesting one; coz kid’s imagination is not constrained by probability and practicality.
Stone grinders (huge mortars) and rolling pestles are used to grind the rice and other food items. A mortar is a bowl shaped container made of a hard wood, marble, pottery, or stone. The pestle is a bat shaped tool that is used to grind inside the mortar (bowl) and pulverize grains, herbs, and other food substances as well as medicines.

Wondering why am I giving explanation about stone grinders now?
Finally I came up with my fantasy theory of Digestive system. A lady with stone grinder is sitting in my stomach. She grinds all the food I eat. No worry I didn’t get the doubts of

1. How a lady with stone grinder inside stomach? coz I thought it will be in very tiny size as I was, so that both can embed in my stomach.
2. Why only woman not man? Coz I saw only mom doing kitchen work. :)
Ladies were normally dedicated to kitchen…. No worry gals Not any more…..
I strongly believed in my own theory till I studied Digestive system in my 4th standard.
My teacher Mr. Desai Kumar utterly proved me wrong.

One more fantasy I remember is once I ate grapes along with its seeds. I thought grape tree will cultivate in my stomach and its branches will come out of my head. Oh my god…
When I told about my childhood fantasies to my friends they were laughing their heads off. No one ever fantasized like this it seems. I said they never utilized their brains at all.
Small request to all parents and would-be parents out there, give more or less sensible explanation to your little sweethearts else they will come up with ideas as
“Vidya’s law of digestive system sounds as good as Newton’s laws of motion” right!!
Too good ya!
I too had the fantasy about tree growing, but never the grinder theory! Probably coz my dad explained to me when i was very young what digestion was and what was its by-product (I am sure u had an explanation for that too at that time!)
I did have.. :)
Coz I made my own theory,I have to convince atleast myself if not everyone.
Believe me I wonder how I came up with such a brilliant concept... Utterly Nonsense...
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