Being wrapped up in the promise of lofty hopes and aspirations for “tomorrow” and moving around in one of my favorite worlds, streets of koramangala I found myself contemplating my own dreams for the future and recalling the hopes and dreams which have led to the present day.We spend a good deal of our lives in the quest to attain our goals and dreams… our dream job… our dream house… our dream relationship… our dream everything. What we often fail to consider is what it means to attain a dream and what it feels like to actually get there.
“Dream” is an ideal, and sometimes intoxicating, vision of something inherently imperfect in reality. I found that the attainment of a dream either brings unexpected complication to life or signifies the beginning of a new journey. Dreams don’t often live up to our internalized hype, which explains the reasoning behind the notion that the journey is the destination.

I am chasing for my Life dreams from 1267 days(3 years-6months-18 days), I am tired I just want to take rest. Confer rest to my mind, bestow peace to my soul. I cry a lot all these days, may be because of unpleasant experiences. I just feel I am lost, all alone in the midst of the ocean. I know that Life has ups and downs and that we have to accept that. But its gotten to a point where I am so far in a hole that I can no longer see the light….I don’t know what to do anymore…
I kept chasing, but my thoughts kept racing….
Chasing life’s dreams
Do not loose hope, that is all that I can say!!
Hope is always available to us. When we feel defeated, we need only take a deep breath and say, "Yes," and hope will reappear. -- Monroe Forester
We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope. -- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Convincing others is much easier task but consoling own soul...:)Anyways Thanks a lot 4 concern....Yeah will work on it....Hope may reappear but elapsed time....????
check out the post
and also read the comments to it!!
hi, vidya u r not alone ,so many r with u..........
i got a forwarded messege that read like this which is so true
"first i was dying to finish my high school and start college and then i was dying to finish college and start working, then i was dying to marry and have children and then i was dying for my children to grow old enough so i could go back to work, but then i was dying to retire and now am dying and suddenly i realized i forgot to live so appreciate your current situation is the moral atlast....
@Indira, Thank you so much for concern and moral support. Sometimes I get so frustrated in life and just to channelize my emotions I keep posting... ;). I have accepted it,the way it is...
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